

A „Vessünk véget a nőinemiszerv-csonkításnak” kampányt az Amnesty International irányítja, együttműködve tizennégy, az EU-ban működő civil szervezettel. Európában a becslések szerint mintegy 500.000 olyan nő és kislány él, aki a nőinemiszerv-csonkítás élethosszig tartó testi és pszichés következményeitől szenved. A nők és kislányok emberi jogait sértő nőinemiszerv-csonkítást leküzdéséhez egy olyan EU-s stratégiára van szükség, amely az alábbi – több mint tucatnyi, Európa-szerte közvetlenül az érintett közösségekkel dolgozó civil szervezettel folytatott konzultáció során meghatározott – öt kulcsterületre összpontosít:

1. adatgyűjtés a nőinemiszerv-csonkítás elterjedtégéről és a veszélyeztetettek számáról az EU-ban;

2. célzott egészségügyi szolgáltatások biztosítása;

3. a nők és a gyerekek elleni erőszak megelőzését, valamint szociális védelmet nyújtó rendszer kiépítése;

4. nemzetközi védelem nyújtása a nőinemiszerv-csonkítástól való fenyegetettség miatt menekülők számára;

5. politikai párbeszéd kezdeményezése az EU és azon országok között, amelyekben a nőinemiszerv-csonkítás gyakorlata elterjedt.

Amennyiben további információra van szüksége, vagy a sajtó képviselőjeként nyilatkozatot kíván kérni a témáról, kérjük, forduljon a Magyarországi Női Alapítvány munkatársaihoz a mona.alapitvany@gmail.com email-címen.

2012. április 22., vasárnap

"Ending female genital mutilation is not a cakewalk" - az END FGM kampány állásfoglalása egy svéd művész FGM-performansza kapcsán (angol nyelven)

Ending female genital mutilation is not a cakewalk
ARTICLE | APRIL 20, 2012 - 2:42PM, New Europe Online

Dress by Cypriot artist Nayia Evangelou, part of Art for Action| END FGM European Campaign

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Swedish Artists Federation, Stockholm’s modern art museum held a ceremony we all enjoy every year; a cake was cut to mark the longevity of the Federation. On this occasion, it took the form of a performance art piece which received unprecedented attention.

There is another kind of ceremony which marks a turning point in the lives of 3 million girls each year. This ceremony is also celebrated with festivity and gifts but no cakes are cut; instead it is the very core of each girl which is cut and removed forever, leaving her with lifelong physical and psychological scars. Female genital mutilation (FGM) is an internationally recognised human rights violation because it attempts to control women’s bodies.

The cake created by Makode Linde for the Swedish Modern Art Museum was in the form of a black woman who screamed and shouted each time ‘her’ abdomen was cut. An unofficial video showed the Swedish Minister for Culture Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth laughing nervously as she cut the cake thereby becoming part of the performance. The laughter surrounding the mock ceremony of FGM added to the macabre celebration which shook up activists and sparked heated reactions worldwide. If shock and horror were the markers of Linde’s success, he certainly hit the jackpot.

Activists across the world have devoted their lives to ending the practice of FGM. One tested method is engaging with the men, women and girls in communities that practice FGM to question this harmful custom, to empower women and to redress the patriarchal attitudes which allow FGM to violate women’s rights.

Of course, Linde has, as each of us has, the right to freedom of expression. Also, we cannot deny the attention his creation has directed to the representation of FGM, despite Linde’s mistakenly explaining it in a televised interview as a solely black African issue. To be clear, beyond the 28 African countries, FGM is also prevalent in Indonesia, Iraq, Yemen, India and certain communities in South America. In Europe, 500,000 girls and women are living with FGM and another 180,000 are at risk each year. But what also cannot be denied is the impact of his performance not only on the public but on the girls and women directly affected by FGM.

Just as the art world is not separate from the rest of the world, Linde’s creation is not unconnected with governments, activists and the communities affected by FGM. And if the artist did use his piece to address the issue of FGM, has his creation helped or hindered the stakeholders? Shock and horror are not conducive to activists, governments and young girls who walk the tightrope of seeking to respect culture while avoiding harm.

Furthermore, the woman’s body represented by the cake is used as a passive arena for victimization and violence leaving little room for empowerment. Why not create a space to show women’s ability to influence their surroundings, for a change?

The END FGM philosophy on the representation of FGM is diametrically opposite to the artist’s. Shock and horror may provoke concern and awareness, but they can stupefy people so they confine themselves to sympathizing passively from a distance. To engage and act, we must replace revulsion with a belief in a future when girls are not subjected to harmful practices.

Our Art for Action tour is an example of our aim to engage. It is a collaboration of four internationally-renowned artists such as the eccentric Walter van Beirendonck and Adriana Bertini (known for her condom dresses), with the 42,000 activists who signed paper rose petals demanding Europe to act against FGM. The rose petal creations will travel from Cyprus via Portugal to Italy, and finally to the capital of Europe, Brussels calling upon decision-makers to act on the demands of the people to develop a European action plan to end FGM. The art pieces created by each artist represent a belief that we can all be creative in our efforts to bring FGM to an end, whether we are artists, activists or decision-makers.

The power of positive creativity and strength of people must be harnessed to ensure girls are empowered and free from the clutches of harmful practices. It may not be a cakewalk, but it is possible.

Prerna Humpal

END FGM European Campaign www.endfgm.eu


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